Mexican Interlude

I finally self-published my book, and it was quite a challenging experience. The royalties from Amazon aren’t very substantial, so I decided to order Author copies to sell myself and recoup some of my expenses. I ordered 20 copies and have already sold 10. The first eight sales covered the printing and shipping costs, but I’ll need to sell many more to break even on the editing expenses. However, I’m confident in my work and plan to use only a copy editor for my second book, The Adventures of Zoe Hunter, which is already in its second draft. I do have one paragraph with some swearing, so I’m curious whether that would disqualify it from the YA category. Then again, considering the language I hear from today’s youth, it might not be an issue. The word Fuck, is used in every sentence.

I would love to see Mexican Interlude adapted into a movie. While films based on books don’t always capture the magic of the original, I imagine most authors don’t mind too much once the royalties start rolling in.


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