AI (Artificial Intelligence)

I love cats, so I found this AI image interesting:

There’s plenty of debate about using AI, but I find it much more effective than Google for my research. That said, I wouldn’t rely on it to write a book- it often lacks the natural flow and personal touch needed to showcase my unique voice. I also experimented with Gencraft for creating images, but found adding text to be overly complicated, even after following the company’s instructions. I noticed that many of the images had a fantasy-like quality. For example, this cat looks great. When it comes to humans, they don't appear realistic at all.

So what do think? Will AI take away jobs? Remember when people worried that computers would take away jobs? Instead, they ended up creating entirely new kinds of work.

Now, imagine having a robot in your home, taking care of all the housework. Is this what the future holds?


Mexican Interlude